Mr. Jason Lund
TAG Heuer Institute, Switzerland


3D Dilation - composite components for micro to mesoscale applications using only thin film processes


Thin films can be produced by a wide range of technologies and can exhibit an even wider range of material properties. Whether due to limitations in the deposition systems, or inherent in the material itself, thin films are restricted to a thickness that prevents their use for mesoscale components.
By depositing thin films onto the porous template of a CNT forest we can create robust 3D composite components from a wide variety of materials. Here we demonstrate a commercial carbon composite hairspring for mechanical watches produced with only thin film processes and discuss the complexity and potential of 3D dilation.


Jason Lund is the Head of Nanotechnologies at the newly created TAG Heuer Institute. Originally from the United States, his formal studies were in mechanical engineering but his topics of passion quickly grew to include micro/nano technologies, compliant mechanisms, data science, lean manufacturing, and process control. He is an inventor on multiple patents and is constantly on the lookout for new technologies and collaborations.