*** Plenary Speaker ***

Prof. Jörg Wrachtrup
3rd Institute of Physics, Stuttgart University


The quantum way of imaging


The precision of measurements and imaging is ultimately limited by quantum mechanics. However, even high resolution scanning probe imaging or sophisticated sensing techniques hardly ever reach the quantum precision limit. However, recently developed quantum probes based on single spins together with control techniques originally targeting quantum information processing and communications allow to reach the standard quantum limit even under practically relevant conditions. Furthermore, specifically designed quantum states can enhance sensing precision and imaging when control is obtained. The talk shall describe nanoscale sensing of electric, magnetic fields, temperature etc. utilizing spin quantum sensors. Limits in sensing and imaging will analyzed and applications in such diverse areas like solid-state physics or cellular biology will be discussed.


Prof. Wrachtrup is an internationally recognized expert in the field of solid state quantum optics and spintronics. He counts as pioneer in the field of solid state spin quantum physics and has explored applications in photonics, spintronics, quantum computing and quantum metrology. His research activities comprise material science in carbon-based systems, mostly diamond. There, he is active in fabricating photonic as well as electronic structures like dedicated electroluminescence devices for single photon emission. He is also pursuing interdisciplinary research, mainly towards biophysical and bioanalytical applications of diamond-based quantum sensors. Prof. Wrachtrup is author of over 200 papers with more than 8000 citations. He is listed in the Thomson Reuters highly cited researcher index 2014. He received a number of prizes, among them an ERC Advanced Grant the Leibniz Award and most recently the Humboldt award of the Max Planck - and Humboldt Societies.

Prof. Wrachtrup is active in a number of national and international research consortia on European and transcontinental level. He is and was member of four Integrated Projects and five FET open projects mainly centred around quantum spintronics and precision metrology using solid state defect spins over the past 10 years. Further on, he is one out of three directors of a DARPA funded major research consortium on molecular scale nano metrology. He is external member of an UK based diamond graduate school and was excellence professor at the ENS Cachan (Paris) funded via the "Triangle de la Physique". He has common funding with research groups in Australia (Melbourne and Sydney). Further on, he is guest professor at Hefei National University (China). Prof. Wrachtrup was member of reviewing panels throughout Europe (Netherlands, UK, Belgium, France, Spain) and is active as scientific advisor in a number of conferences like Photonics West, CLEO, MRS and the Near Field Optics Conference 2014.