Are you a recent START‐UP in Nanotechnology?
Join us at the SNC‐2018 !
At the Swiss Nanoconvention 2018, we are launching for the first time a friendly competition between start‐ups in Nanotechnology that were founded between 2013‐2017. You can present your start‐up in front of the SNC audience in a dedicated session. The winner will receive the nanotech start‐up prize of SFR. 10‘000.‐ sponsored by the Swiss Nano‐ and Microtechnology Network (Swiss MNT).
How to participate:
Submit a short description of your start‐up of max. one A4 page directly to containing information on your product, when and from were your idea was born, when the start‐up was inaugurated, weblink, fact numbers (start date, current size, turn over etc), what business you are targeting and how you see your short to midterm future.
Deadline: 31st of March
Preselection: A committee of the Swiss MNT network will select a maximum of 8 applications who will be invited to join the nanotech start‐up session at the SNC.
Showcase at the SNC: Selected start‐up’s (see before) will get 10‐15 Min. (depending on the number of invited start‐up’s) to present their case to the audience. To select the winner, we will use an electronic voting system and all persons in the room can rate your start‐up / presentation.