The Swiss NanoConvention is organized annually by the Swiss MNT (micro & nanotechnology) network. The board of trustees (steering committee) is appointed by the Swiss MNT Network.
Conference Chair: Barbara Rothen-Rutishauser, AMI – University of Fribourg, Swiss MNT Board
Co-Chairs: Alke Fink, AMI – University of Fribourg / Amélie Bazzoni, AMI – University of Fribourg
Steering Committee, Swiss MNT Board
- Prof. Barbara Rothen-Rutishauser, AMI Uni-FR (current Chair)
- Dr. Michel Despont, CSEM (current co-Chair)
- Dr. Yargo Bonetti, ETH Zürich
- Prof. Y. Ekinci, PSI
- Dr. Philippe Flückiger, EPFL
- Dr. Pierangelo Groening, Empa
- Prof. A. Kaempfer Homsy , HES-SO
- Prof. Christian Schönenberger, SNI