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The Swiss Micro- and Nanotechnology Network is offering five prizes each of 2’000 CHF for excellent scientific first-author publications in the field of Nanotechnology and Nanoscience published by PhD students in 2021/2022 sponsored by:
The prizes will be awarded at the annual Swiss NanoConvention conference, being held from 5-6 July 2022, at the Fribourg Forum.
The work should have been conducted at a Swiss university or research institute and written up in an English manuscript. This manuscript must have been appeared (at least) online in a peer‐reviewed journal in 2021 through March 2022.
The application must include:
- A nomination letter by the PhD advisor (not longer than one page)
- A curriculum vitae of the PhD student including a list of activities and publications (not longer than 2 pages)
- A short summary stating the importance of the work (max 1⁄2 page)
- A PDF copy of the manuscript of the published work
All pdf-files of 1) through 4) must be merged together into a single pdf that takes the name of the PhD student. This single pdf document must be submitted by email at the latest by May 14, 2022 to the following address:
Prof. Christian Schönenberger
Department of Physics, University of Basel Klingelbergstrasse 82
4056 Basel, Switzerland
E‐Mail: Christian.Schoenenberger@unibas.ch
Prize Committee:
- Prof. Hatice Altug (Ecole Polytechnique Federal de Lausanne)
- Prof. Barbara Rothen‐Rutishauser (Adolphe Merkle Institute, University of Fribourg)
- Prof. Jens Gobrecht (Paul‐Scherrer‐Institute)
- Dr. Pierangelo Gröning (Empa Materials Science and Technology, Dübendorf)
- Dr. Andreas Hafner (BASF Schweiz AG, Dübendorf)
- Prof. Christian Schönenberger (Swiss Nanoscience Institute, University of Basel)
Communication of the prize:
The prize winners will be introduced on the website of the Swiss Micro‐ and Nanotechnology Network and the award will be handed over by a representative of the sponsor companies at the Swiss Nanoconvention 2022.