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Are you a recent START‐UP in Nanotechnology? Join us at SNC 2023!
At the Swiss Nanoconvention 2023, we are launching a friendly competition between Start-Ups in Nanotechnology that were founded between 2017-2022. You can present your Start-Up in front of the SNC audience in a dedicated session. The winner will receive the nanotech start‐up prize of SFR. 10‘000.‐ sponsored by the Swiss Nano‐ and Microtechnology Network (Swiss MNT).
How to participate
Submit a short description of your Start-Up of max. two A4 pages directly to Lorenz.Herrmann@empa.ch containing information on your product, when and where your idea was born, when the Start-Up was inaugurated, weblink, fact numbers (start date, current size, revenue etc.), what businesses you are targeting and how you see your short to midterm future.
Submission Deadline: Extended: April 28, 2023 SUBMISSIONS NOW CLOSED
👉 Please see this page for the final list of startups presenting at SNC 2023
A committee of the Swiss MNT Network will select a maximum of 8 applications who will be invited to join the Nanotech Start-Up session at the SNC.
Showcase at the SNC
The selected Start-Ups will get 10 Min. (depending on the number of invited Start-Ups) to present their cases to the audience. To select the winner, we will use an electronic voting system and all persons in the room can rate your Start-Up / presentation.